Mission Statement

To educate children in the Gaudiya-Vaisnava tradition as per the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and precepts given by our Founder Acarya, His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in a happy, peaceful, and respectful environment, assisting the children’s parents in watering the seeds  of Krishna Consciousness.  
Core Values
* Humility
* Tolerance
* Respect
* Compassion
Our Groups
Gopala: Ages 4 to 6 
Giri-Govardhan: Ages 7 to 9
Damodar: 10 to 12
Youth Group: 13 years old and above
Hindi Class: 5 to 15 years old

    Curriculum Includes
  • Bhagavad-Gita & other important Vedic literature
  • Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu & Vaisnava Acaryas
  • Srila Prabhupada
  • Ramayana
  • Mahabharata
  •     Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva, Devi Subhadra
  •  Tulasi Devi
  • Standard Prayers
  • Vaisnava Etiquette
  • Devotional Service
  • Importance of chanting 
  • Theatrical Performances
  • And more!



"These children are the future hope of our society, so it is a very important matter how we are training them in Krishna Consciousness from the very childhood" Srila Prabhupada


For more information please contact SyamaMohini devi dasi at smdd@cox.net  or NamaPriya devi dasi at nchethikattil@gmail.com